The Los Angeles Times wrote an article about our "obsession" with fat celebrities.
It is interesting to see several of these celebrities struggle, as it somehow validates how hard it is to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
Oprah, Carnie and Kirstie Alley, three rich women in the spotlight, women who can afford help, personal trainers, chefs and more and it seems impossible for them to keep the extra weight off.
A friend of mine who was resigned to being fat has recently shed at least ten sizes simply by cutting the amount of food she consumed in half. After realizing she could eat less and not feel deprived, she added a weekly visit to a personal trainer and she continues to lose about a pound a week, literally disappearing before our my very eyes.
I'm not sure I would be interested in any weight loss advice or products any of these three endorse, but they are certainly a case study in what doesn't work.
I think at a certain point and age, one just starts to come to grips with what works and what doesn't and we start taking better care of ourselves. Perhaps age vs youth works in our favor sometimes. Once you finally accept yourself and give yourself some love and respect, it all comes together.
Everything works if you work at it, so go for it and show Carnie, Oprah and Kirstie what you're really made of.
Photo of Carnie Wilson, Linda Arroz and Jose Eber taken on the set of ABC's Caryl & Marilyn Real Friends 1997