My friend Teresa Tapp, author of Fit & Fabulous in 15 Minutes, has a new workout for people who need to lose "more" weight. It's called appropriately, T Tapp More.
Anyone who has had an orthopedic injury or suffers with a chronic condition that impairs mobility knows the side effect is weight gain and loss of strength.
Having had both, I can recommend this workout as a gentle, safe and effective way to add more movement to your life.
The movements that physiologist Tapp designs include a concept called comprehensive, compound muscle activation. That means that each movement works multiple muscle groups at a time. A bonus feature is that this muscle activation squeezes the lymph glands, helping to move toxins. You get stronger as you continue to do the movements. Dr Nicholas Perricone says T Tapp is the "best anti-aging workout."
Check out Teresa's website. She has a "try before you buy" button with free videos, the website is available in 17 languages and all DVDs have Closed Captions and include Sign Language Interpreter. For more information, check out her free forum full of focused T Tappers.
T Tapp More's Primary Principals:
*aerobic without jumping
*strength building without weights
*uses no equipment or gear
*can be done in 3 ft of space
*has only 8 repetitions
*no repeat sets needed
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