Saturday, June 19, 2010

Gwen DeVoe Launched Full Figured Fashion Week

Gwen DeVoe founded Full Figured Fashion Week.
Congrats Gwen. I'm glad you had the balls to sally forth and conquer!
I was at the forefront of the BBW brigade in the eighties and nineties, producing plus size fashion shows in New York City, Las Vegas and Los Angeles and an annual national plus model search.
We got Entertainment Tonight to cover one of our plus size fashion shows in New York. It was exciting.
What you're doing is STILL groundbreaking and never before has the number of women who wear a larger size been bigger. Shocking as it may be, with everyone from the Surgeon General to Moms who police school campus vending machines bemoaning the perils of childhood obesity and comedians taking open shots on fatties, the fact is, women have money to spend, they want to get dressed, and that smells like opportunity to me. Some of the sexiest women on the planet, including Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, and Jane Russell, pictured here...have been a bit fleshy.

Check out FFFWeek on Twitter #SonsiFFFWeek

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